Wednesday, October 17, 2007


E-Government or electronic government is when the government use information technology to exchange information and services either with its citizens, or businesses to improve the internal efficiency, public services, and processes of democratic governance.

E-Government has four types of an online non-commercial interactions, which are G2C, G2B, G2G, and G2E.

1-G2C refers to Government-to-Customer, which is an interaction between local and central Government and private individuals

2- G2B refers to Government-to-Business, it is an interaction between local and central government and the comercial business sector.

3- G2G refers to Government-to-Government, which is an interaction between Government organizations, departments, and authorities and other Government.

4-G2E is an online non-commercial interaction between Government and the employees.

E-Government is very important in nowadays, because it’s very convenient, and it provide a better accessibility of public services. It will improve the delivery of goods and services, and it will facilitate a lot of things between businesses and citizens as between government and employees.

Phases of E-Government:

The process of E-Government implimentation was devided into three phases as the followings:

Publish: the first process of E-Government starts by publishing government information online, starting with the rules and regulations, documents, and forms, which it enable the citizens and businesses to access government information without without commuting to government offices, and stand in long lines.

Interact: is the second step where E-Government involves citizens in the governance process by engaging them in interaction with policymakers throughout the policy cycle. Interactive E-Government involves two-way communications, bigining with the basics like email contact information for government officials, or feedback forms that enable citizens to send their comments, in adition this phase can also include the creation of government/citizens forums.

Transact: in the past government services required long waits, but now transact website offers a direct link to government services, which are available anytime, and which enhence productivity in both public and private sector.

The Importance of E-Government:

Today if we look around, and if we think a little bit about few decates ago, we can find out or notice that everything has been changed in all aspects, like the way how we work, how we shop, how we take our classes, how we communicate with each other….etc, and this changes are due to the influence and rise of the digital economy and governments, which themselves should meet the expectations of their citizens, businesses, and employees.

E-Government is all about transforming the relationship between government and businesses and the citizens that they serve, plus transforming the relationship and interaction within the government itself. The followings indicate why E-Government is important:

• The use of ICT and establishing E-Government help create a better business environment.

• Using ICT to promtE-Government open the door for the citizens to be more involved in the policy, and decision-making processes of government.

• Effictive delivery of goods and services to citizens.

• Increase the government’s employees productivity and efficiency.

• Improve quality of life in general.


In Conclusion I can say that the “Compendium of Innovative E-government Practices” PDF files, that were posted on Pace Blackboard are good examples of this entire thing. It shows why E-Government is important and how it did benefit many countries, not only just the developed countries, but it helps and empowers the other undeveloped countries in many aspects as well.
For example in Ghana, the ministry, and some other institutions like United Nations Information Technology Service; United Nations Volunteers; World Summit on the Information Society, they create a project called “Health Net project”, where they can reveal information on the digital maps that can be used for a better decision making in the future, and to educate the population.

Another good example is of Mozambique where they create a government portal called “Government Electronic Networking: Pre-implementation Phase (GovNet)”. This government portal helped them to improve services, strengthen the policy formulation, Enhance professionalism in the public service, and improve financial management and accountability, and Promote good governance.

References for E-Government Paper

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