Sunday, November 4, 2007

Recommendation & overview Document: MDG, Sustainable Development, Globalization & Collaboration, & the Role of ICT in building Sustainable Development

Before I start to talk about the recommendations, and how to use Information and Communication Technology, let’s have a little overview about MDG, Sustainable Development, Globalization and Collaborative and Social Networking Technologies, and the Role of ICT in Building Sustainable Development.

The Millennium Development Goals are goals that have agreed to try to achieve them by the year 2015 and they are the following: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, Achieve universal primary education, Promote gender equality and empower women, Reduce child mortality, Improve maternal health, Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, Ensure environmental sustainability, and Develop a global partnership for development.

These eight goals were originally developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development which is an international organization of thirty countries that accept the principles of representative democracy and a free market economy, and they were highlighted out of the eight chapters of the United Nation Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000.

Concerning Sustainable Development, if you go and search in “The World Conservation Strategy” published by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, you will see that they have a linkage between environment and development, which was globally recognized since the beginning of the 80’s. When you go to wikipidia they define Sustainable development as a socio-ecological process characterized by the fulfillment of human needs while maintaining the quality of the natural environment indefinitely, and in the United Nations General Assembly, sustainable development is defined as development that "meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

" According to the Portal of Sustainable Development, The field of sustainable development can be conceptually divided into four general dimensions because sustainable development does not focus just on environmental issues. More broadly, sustainable development policies encompass three general policy areas: economic, environmental and social. The four general dimensions are: social, economic, environmental and institutional. The first three dimensions address key principles of sustainability, while the final dimension as I stated before addresses key institutional policy and capacity issues; here is a scheme of sustainable development at the confluence of threepreoccupations below:

Globalization and Collaborative and Social Networking Technologies, let us ignore all the boundaries that exist in the world wide, either it is physical or geographical boundaries.

These three things (Globalization and Collaborative and Social Networking Technologies) bring a variation in life in many things, it let us recognize too many things that we never acknowledged, like new culture, businesses….etc.

In nowadays businesses should operate and think global in order to control the competition and provide a variation in their productions for their citizens or customers all over the world, as they should use IT tools to collaborate, and be open with the other world to benefit themselves and everybody around.

When we come to the role of ICT in building sustainable development we can say that Information and Communication Technology plays a big role in sustainable development. ICT’s can help and be applied in a lot of sectors, it can help and benefit government or non-governmental organizations to improve the world socio-economic conditions, it helps increasing opportunities for equality, improve the performance of business and the efficiency of markets, as it empower citizens and communities, and increase their access to knowledge.

As global citizens we should help in promoting ICT and sustainable development, we can involve in some volunteer network of teachers or educator, and spend some times to empower someone to learn to empower the others and so on.

Now, from all what I stated erlier, I can now state my recommendations, which is the followings:

1) First of all we should have a very good understanding about the global issues.

2) Each individual country should create its ouwn development strategies, and put a list of what they need in order to fully or at least partially achieve the MDG targets, which is schedualed to be achieved in 2015.

3) Each country should have a good governance that provide human rights

4) Countries who have anti-malaria medicine should help other countries and distribute it for free for all children in regions of malaria transmission.

5) Create more centers for AIDS research

6) Wealthy countries or even private corporations should collaborate with poor or devoloping countries, and create small Institutions in poor coutries to help in education, we need a global education so everybody can work with ICT to benefit and improve their conditions.

7) Education should be mondatory in each country, because if people don’t know how to read or write, how they are going to sit in front of a computer or learn anything about computer.

8) Create a global funding agencies to help the poor in all over the world to start their small businesses, and fight poverty.

9) As it was stated in Hans Rosling video published by the “TED”, Data should be accessible for everybody,so we can examine the technological, economic, and geographic forces that are at work on the world, and know who is doing good, and who still need help.

10) Information Tachnology industries should help in providing connection globally, because a large parts of the world are technologically disconnected (World Economic Forum)

11) Increase collaboration between public and private sectors.

12) Improve and enable open markets, rule of law, protection of property rights, energy supply and access

13) Stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere to prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.

14) Organize international workshop or seminars about ICT education in different countries, especially the ones that need education about information and communication technology.

15) We should have a global strategy on ICT for development to help whoever is interested to bring ICT to developing countries.


[Tapscott, Don and Williams Anthony D. Wikinomics, How Mass Collaboration Changed Everything. New York: Penguin Group, 2006. ]

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