Globalization is a result of a lot of things like advances in transport, information technology, and communication that causes a political, economical, and cultural convergence. Globalization affect the world in different ways like: access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies, creat a world government which regulates the relationships among nations, growth of cross-cultural contacts, increase in information flows between geographically remote locations, solve global issues like environmental challenges, development of a global telecommunication infrastructure…etc.
Advance technologies has helped a lot in facilitating global development, and reduced the costs of trade. Technologies address the global issues that I talked about previously, plus with the technologies that we have and experience in nowadays it allows us to be connected with each other from all over the world and express ourselves in a global world, a small example of that is wikipidia, which is a free encyclopedia that you or anyone else from all over the world can edit in too many different languages.
Globalization and collaborative and social networking technologies have advantage of increasing opportunity as well as the economics, especially in the developed world, plus outsourcing, and a small example of outsourcing is when you call your phone service provider or internet provider for a technical support, the people who talk to you solving your technical issue may be in another part of the world, nowadays a lot of companies who are based on the united state but they have their outsourced sectors in other countries in the other part of the world.
[Tapscott, Don and Williams Anthony D. Wikinomics, How Mass Collaboration Changed Everything. New York: Penguin Group, 2006]
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